This is an image of an oak tree with pink, purple, gold colored leaves and tiny colorful butterflies flying around it. At the base of the tree are fallen leaves in pink, gold and purple tones covering the ground. The sky is blue above and cream below
This is the company name, Wings of Wisdom, a five o one c three non profit



This is a link to contact us that says Get Started



“Today you are you, that is truer than true.

There is no one alive who is youer than you.”

Dr. Seuss, “Happy Birthday to You!”

self centered glyph style icon
Person Lying on the Grass

Person-Centered Plans

Let’s gather those that you trust and support you. Together you identify what is most important to you and for you. We help you by asking questions to create a plan alongside your circle of support. No one knows you better than you.

You are your subject-matter expert!

Healthy Lifestyle People Doing Yoga Design
Business Woman Sketching Plan for Personal Growth and Improvement

Holistic approach

Let’s look at all of the things, the people, the places, that matter to you and how you want to access them. It’s not just about health care or day programs, let’s talk about your vision. Your friends, hobbies, work, school, what makes you happy? What’s missing?

Rainbow Gender Equality Logo
unity in diversity

Inclusive programs for all lifestyle choices

Inclusive means no limits. It means belonging. Finding and being in a group you want to belong to. Engaging with like-minded people. Is there a hobby? Is there a spiritual need? Tell us how to support you. We will help you create your community.

Help, support, advice, guidance
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Coordinated Family Supports (CFS)

CFS is for adults (18 years and older) who live with their family. CFS is designed to help you and your family coordinate and schedule the services you receive. CFS will be provided in your language and in a way that is respectful of your culture. You will help design and tailor your CFS service.

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General Self-Directed Supports (GSDS)

For potential SDP participants who want additional transition supports. General SD Supports are authorized to be provided after SDP orientation and before a potential SDP participant is enrolled in the SDP. This service is for any assistance, coaching and/or training supports needed by a potential SDP participant and their family or their representative to successfully enroll in SDP.

All About You
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Person-Centered Planning (PCP)

PCP is for all ages. At a Person-Centered Planning gathering, people who love and care about the person work together to design a vision for the individual’s life. PCP is a way for you to say what is important to you and what is important for you. A person-centered plan helps you define how to make the things you want in your life happen. We are here to help you plan for your best future!

Cheerful man facilitates HOA meeting
Simple Film Frame

Independent Facilitation (IF)

Participants in the Self-Determination Program (SDP) may choose someone who helps them implement this program. The IF assists the individual with making informed decisions regarding their individual budget. Helps locating, accessing and coordinating services and supports consistent with the participant’s PCP. Identifying immediate and long-term needs and developing options to meet those needs.

Planning for Your Best Future

We are here to help facilitate and guide you and your loved one in ​coordinating family supports.

We can assist with the self-determination program process.

You are the planner.

We will help you with creating a visual plan

centered on what is important to you and for you.

Your person-centered plan will tell others

how you want your future to look.

"A good leader inspires people to have confidence in the leader,

a great leader inspires people to have confidence in themselves."

- Eleanor Roosevelt

Talk to us

Office: (424) 365-1598

Text: (424) 277-0751

Start your journey today.


(424) 365-1598


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3D Social Media Icon

Hablamos Español

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Simple Instagram Icon

Department of Developmental Services Appeals, Complaints & Comments

You have rights.

One of those rights is to seek assistance from the Department of Developmental Services ​(DDS) to resolve issues and complaints you have with this or any other agency,

including regional centers providing services.

Para obtener más ​información, visite el ​sitio web del DDS:

Para revisar el paquete de ​información sobre ​apelaciones del ​Departamento de Servicios ​de Desarrollo (DDS),

haga clic aquí.

Sigue el Código ​QR para más ​información

For more information, visit the DDS website:

For more information, call the Client’s Rights Advocate at:

(866) 833-6712

To review the Department of Developmental Services (DDS) ​Appeals Information Brochure, click here.


About Us and Our Philosophy

We have over 15 years of experience working with persons with intellectual and ​developmental disabilities. Our staff finds joy in helping others.

We avidly promote individualized planning that identifies the wants and needs of ​the person as defined by them because they are their subject matter experts.

Susana (Suzy) Iñiguez-Toliver is a dedicated, experienced educator working closely ​with students with disabilities, trained in Person-Center Thinking and Planning

and is a Certified Independent Facilitator.

Walkiria (Linda) Whitford is a Certified Person-Centered Plan Facilitator,

Certified in the Planning Live Principles and Approaches, Certified Independent ​Facilitator, and a Person-Centered Thinking Trainor.

ACRE certified with a focus on Customized Employment and is a

PEERS® Certified Provider - School Based .


Planning for Your Best Future

We provide person-centered life planning services and coordination for individuals with intellectual and developmental disabilities and support for their families.

We assist in identifying immediate and long-term needs and develop options to meet those needs.

We support vocational training skills for the job they are interested in through job exploration and

on-the-job training or apprenticeship opportunities.

We avidly promote and advocate for individualized planning that identifies the wants and needs of the

person as defined by them, not an institution.

We assist individuals in planning for their best future.

We aim to assist disabled youth by supporting their efforts toward economic independence entering adulthood.